Corporate Governance
The Group considers that good corporate governance is vital to the healthy and sustainable development of the Group and the Group strives to uphold high standard of corporate governance continuously.
Board of Directors
- List of Directors and their Role and Function
- Procedures for Shareholders to Propose a Person for Election as a Director
- Audit Committee
- Mr. LEE Man Chun, Tony (Chairman)
- Professor CHANG Qing
- Professor HE Jia
- Terms of Reference
- Remuneration Committee
- Professor HE Jia (Chairman)
- Mr. LEE Man Chun, Tony
- Mr. LI Qian
- Terms of Reference
- Nomination Committee
- Mr. LI Qian (Chairman)
- Professor CHANG Qing
- Mr. LEE Man Chun, Tony
- Terms of Reference
- Environmental, Social and Governance Committee
- Professor CHANG Qing (Chairman)
- Ms. SUN Jie
- Professor HE Jia